Reach Your Next Rank!


Now that the Solex Compensation Plan has been in place for a few months, let's get you ranking up! The enhanced Compensation Plan has brought so much excitement to the field. Solex QLAs are now able to grow and earn more with the addition of new bonuses in the compensation plan, such as rank bonuses. In this article, we want to focus exactly on that—helping you grow your team, so you can rank up and earn more! 

Ranking up is possible for everybody! It is not only for those who have been in the business for years but also for those without any experience. You don’t need to be an expert on business strategy, finance, frequencies, or recruiting to start your Solex business and earn from it. The way the ranking system is built will help you step out of your comfort zone and develop skills that will greatly contribute to your efforts in building your business. As you begin advancing from one rank to the next, you will see yourself grow in ways that you may have never seen before, and we are here to help every step of the way.  

This article outlines the requirements for each rank and their compensation, and will go over the resources available to assist you in the back office, as well as a few suggestions that you can implement to help you rank up and maintain your rank! As you learn from this information, we hope you will pass it on to your team to benefit them as they are on this exciting journey with you.  

If you are a new Solex QLA and are looking for a few tips to get started, we’ve got you covered! Head over to our “Getting Started as a New Solex Distributor (QLA)” blog to learn all about the resources you have available to get started and even get you on your way to your first rank in your very first month! Then, come back to this blog and read all about where to go from there and keep advancing in ranks! 

Solex Ranks: Requirements and Benefits

In the Solex Compensation Plan, there are two main bonuses regarding ranks; they are the Rank Advancement Bonus and the Monthly Rank Bonus. The Rank Advancement Bonus is achieved when the requirements for a specific rank are met for three months—and guess what? They don’t need to be consecutive months. The Monthly Rank Bonus is an ongoing bonus that is earned each month and is achieved after each Rank Advancement Bonus is achieved for a specific rank. For example, once you have ranked as a Bronze, you will earn the one-time Rank Advancement Bonus for Bronze. In the months following, as long as you maintain the rank of Bronze, you will earn the Bronze Monthly Rank Bonus!  

Now, let’s break down the requirements to reach each rank offered in the Solex Compensation Plan and how much you can earn every time you achieve a new rank or maintain it.  

  • Bronze Rank

To rank as a Bronze, you need three active, direct QLAs. That means that each of those QLAs are enrolled directly under you in your frontline and each has 100 personal points to be considered active that month. When you reach the requirements for this rank for three months—and notice, they don’t need to be consecutive months—you will receive a one-time bonus of $50. After you’ve received the one-time bonus, an ongoing monthly bonus of $25 is earned each month the qualifications for this rank are met.  

  • Silver Rank

Similar to the Bronze rank, to achieve this rank you need six active, direct QLAs. Each of those QLAs will need to be on your frontline and each require 100 personal points to be considered active that month. When you reach the requirements for this rank for three months you will receive a one-time bonus of $100. After the payout of the one-time bonus, starting the next month, an ongoing monthly bonus of $50 is earned each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Gold Rank

In the previous two ranks, the only requirement you have needed is a set number of direct QLAs. You will notice that rank requirements for Gold are where things start to look a little different.  To achieve the Gold rank, you need nine active, direct QLAs, with one of those QLAs ranking as Silver.  

 After maintaining this rank for three months, you will receive a one-time bonus of $200. Remember, they don’t need to be consecutive months. After you have received the one-time bonus, you will earn an ongoing monthly bonus of $100 each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Platinum Rank

To achieve the Platinum rank you need 12 active, direct QLAs, as well as one ranked Gold QLA. After reaching this rank for three months, you will receive a one-time bonus of $400. Additionally, you will earn an ongoing monthly bonus of $200 each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Pearl Rank

To achieve the Pearl rank, you need 25 active, direct QLAs, and two of those QLAs must be ranked as Platinum. When you reach the requirements for this rank for three months you will receive a one-time bonus of $2,000. After you’ve received the one-time bonus, an ongoing monthly bonus of $500 is earned each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Sapphire Rank

The Sapphire rank requires you to have 40 active, direct QLAs, where two of those QLAs must be ranked as Pearls. When you reach the requirements for this rank for three months, you will receive a one-time bonus of $3,000. After you’ve received the one-time bonus, an ongoing monthly bonus of $750 is earned each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Ruby Rank

To achieve Ruby, you need 60 active, direct QLAs, and two of those QLAs must be ranked as Sapphires. After reaching this rank for three months, you will receive a one-time bonus of $5,000. Additionally, you will earn an ongoing monthly bonus of $1,000 each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Emerald Rank

To rank as Emerald, you need 80 active, direct QLAS, and two of those QLAs must be ranked as Rubies. After reaching this rank for three months, you will receive a one-time bonus of $8,000. After you’ve received the one-time bonus, an ongoing monthly bonus of $2,000 will be earned each month the qualifications for this rank are met.

  • Diamond Rank

And last, but certainly not least, the Diamond rank. To achieve this rank, you need 100 active, direct QLAs, and two of those QLAs must be ranked as Emeralds. After reaching this rank for three months, you will receive a one-time bonus of $10,000. Additionally, you will earn an ongoing monthly bonus of $3,000 each month the qualifications for this rank are met. 

Important Tips to Remember When Ranking Up 

Now that you know and understand all the requirements to rank up, let’s go over two things to keep in mind to ensure you meet all the qualifications to receive your rank bonus! 

  • To participate in all potential Solex Benefits Plan bonuses, you must maintain personal activity with 100 points per month from your personal orders. For example, these points can come from your AO Scan service Subscription, which provides 112 qualifying points, or a cumulative number of points from different products purchased or orders made in one month.  

  • Remember, the 3-month requirement criterium does not require you to achieve a rank for 3 consecutive months. At Solex, we want to set you up for success! This plan makes room for when difficult life circumstances are knocking at your door, or things don’t go as you have planned, all your hard work will not be lost. When you have a rough month, you can look forward to the next month as a new chance to plan and work hard. Once you hit a bonus 3 times (without a 6-month lapse in inactivity), you will earn the Rank Advancement Bonus you have worked so hard for!

Back Office Resources to Rank Up

You have probably already heard this before- your back office is the most reliable and equipped resource to help organize, manage, and grow your business. Your back office is a robust platform that keeps track of your enrollments; gives you detailed, up-to-date insight about your business; offers accessible communication with your downline; gives access to crucial resources, and much more! Let's dive into the specific resources you can find there to help you rank up!

  • Business Snapshot Widget.  

The Business Snapshot is a quick view of your most important statistics located on the homepage of your back office. When you log in to the site, you can find the widget on the right-hand side of the screen. It will have the name of the widget at the top and underneath you will see 3 columns of blue tiles.  

This widget was created specifically to help you keep track of your overall business as a QLA. The statistics, or metrics, that appear on the tiles are representations of data in the system associated with your personal information, rank, volume, team, etc. You can see your stats for the current month and the previous month, which allows you to compare and see the areas you want to focus on or improve moving forward.  

Want to know a special trick? You can click on each individual tile to flip them and learn about what they are! For example, one of the first few tiles you will see is the Commission Qualified tile. When you click on the tile, the following description will appear:  

  • Commission Qualified: This title indicates whether you are considered active for commission purposes in the current month. To be active, you must have 100 personal points from your personal orders. 

"Yes" = you are qualified. 

"No" = you are in need of 100 Personal Points 

Remember, to participate in all potential Solex Benefits Plan bonuses, you must be considered "active" - this means that you must have at least 100 personal points obtained from your personal purchases. 

  • Rank Information Widget 

The Rank Information Widget was designed and created to help you track your rank progress. This widget keeps track of your progress automatically, so the reports you see are accurate and always provide the most up-to-date information regarding your ranks.  

Because this is a widget that QLAs are using endlessly, it is located on the homepage of your back office under the main banner for easy access. Additionally, this widget will display under multiple tabs your rank progress for the current rank, the previous rank achieved, and the highest rank achieved. To view the different tabs, simply click on the left and right arrows on the inside of the widget. For more detailed information on your progress, you can click on the View Rank Requirements option located at the bottom of the widget to view your progress in achieving each rank. Achieved ranks will be displayed in a green color. The remaining ranks will display with the status incremented with a fraction.

  • Business Section

The most important section in your back office to help you grow your business, rank up, and maintain that progress is the Business section. In there, you will find everything you need to strategize and rank up! To find this section, simply select the business option on the menu bar located on the left side of your screen. When you click on the business option, a menu will expand with five features to help you view your business from specific and different angles. So, let’s jump into those features and explain what they are for and how you can best use them to support your business.  

  • Team Dashboard: The team dashboard is an excellent feature to view your team’s and your personal progress. You can see a list of your front-line QLAs and their distributors (your second line), you can see a list of your customers, and your overall enrollment tree. What is most helpful about this feature is the ability it provides you to keep informed, while at the same time allowing you to offer assistance to your team members/downline. When you click on each individual name, you will see some of their stats and information that can help you determine how they can rank up and grow! Remember, the Solex benefits plan is designed to help you grow as a team and create depth in your organization. It is not solely about the success of your front line, but the success of your overall downline. Let’s walk through a real-life example to help you see the big picture of how this feature can benefit you and your team.  

In the Team Dashboard you notice that Ricky, a QLA in your second line, was very close to reaching the rank of Silver last month but was unable to reach it because he missed a requirement he forgot about. His sponsor, Sam, is also fairly new to Solex and is learning how to grow his Solex business. You contact Sam and partner with him to help him determine how to best help Ricky achieve his desired rank, while at the same time you help Sam with any assistance he needs to develop his business—whether that is by helping him understand the compensation plan better, how to help him teach about the scanner, how to talk about the products, etc.  

Although this feature can greatly benefit your team to work and grow together, it is important to remember that if someone in your downline that is not directly under you, (let's say someone in your second, third or fourth line) needs assistance to get the business going, always team up with their sponsors to work together and help each other succeed.  

  • Visual Tree: The Visual Tree is the next feature offered in the Business section of your back office. The Visual Tree offers you the best view of your downline structure as it gives you an “at-a-glance" view of your team tree to identify any strengths or weaknesses that may be trending in your downline. If you are a visual learner, this is the perfect tool to review and analyze your downline because it provides a “global” view of each branch in your organization.  

Just like the Team Dashboard, you can focus on your downline’s key metrics by clicking on your QLAs’ profiles when you use the Visual Tree. This is essentially just another way of seeing your organization’s structure and progress. You can utilize the information there to help you assist your downline in the same way as you would using the Team Dashboard.

  • Report Center:

    Create your personal business reports how you want them, when you want them! The Report Center in your back office allows you to create personalized reports that are specific to you and your business. It is also the most convenient way to access the information you need about your organization! The information in your reports can help you evaluate how your business and your downline are performing, how your QLAs are performing, it can help you to create plans of action, project future results and drive improvements. In the Report Center, you can create your own reports, use standard Quick Reports that are already pre-set, and you can export those reports.  

Regarding rank advancement, this feature allows you to create reports by ranks. This is a great tool to get insight into who in your organization needs help reaching a new rank or seeing who could potentially reach a new rank to help you meet the requirements to rank up! It is all about being informed and working together to achieve your goals!

  • Pay History:  

Although the Pay History section does not necessarily provide any information or assistance on how to rank up, this is where you will find a breakdown of your paid commissions—which includes the Rank Advancement Bonus and the Monthly Rank bonus we talked about previously.

  • Volume History:  

Although the Rank Advancement Bonus and the Monthly Rank Bonus do not require any qualification regarding volume, other bonuses in the Solex Compensation Plan do. When you need information on your team volume or even your personal volume, this is the most resourceful feature where you can find the exact information you need! 

To bring it all together and help you see the big picture as to how these different back office features help you grow your business, watch the following video from Solex’s CEO, Kaj Larsen! Kaj goes into great detail about the back office features we just mentioned and how they can help you manage and track your business!


Tips To Advance and Maintain Your Rank

The next big step to rank advancing or maintaining your rank is to create relationships. When it comes to direct selling and network marketing, it all comes down to people. Being there for your QLAs is just as important as knowing how to approach someone new that may not know a lot about frequencies or any of our products. Taking the time to build and develop your relationships is the next step that can help your business go to the next level! Below, you will find a list of ideas you can implement in your recruiting efforts to connect with people and create relationships.

Remember the Basics 

Teach your directs the basics. A very basic and valuable lesson we teach new QLAs in the blog post “Getting Started as a new Solex Distributor (QLA)” is the model of “3 and it’s free!” What does this mean? Well, when you enroll 3 QLAs with the Premium Subscription, your Direct Bonus from those purchases will cover the cost of your own subscription from those earnings. To be clear, you will be paid a commission in the way of a Direct Bonus. Then, you can take that money and pay your monthly subscription, making it “free” to you. Also, don’t forget about the Lift Off Bonus! The Lift Off Bonus is a one-time bonus where you earn 65% of all points from the new enrollment order of a QLA or PC when they do the following three things: 

1. Purchase a Solex Device in their enrollment order. 

2. The Premium Subscription service is ordered in their enrollment order.  

3. An Automatic recurring order (or autoship) is placed for the subscription service.  

When all those requirements are met as part of a new QLA’s order, 65% of those points in their order will be commissioned as the Lift Off Bonus.  

Additionally, when you enroll three new QLAs with the requirements mentioned previously, you automatically qualify for the Rank Advancement Bonus AND you will reach your very first Solex rank! Although the Rank Advancement Bonus is a one-time bonus, if those 3 QLAs that you enroll continue to have an active Service Subscription every month, you will then also qualify for a Monthly Rank Bonus after the initial Rank Advancement Bonus has been received.  

Teach your directs this concept to cover the costs of their own subscriptions and watch as your team, and in addition to your continued recruiting, your rank, grows! Teach your directs to do this with their directs and they will also see the same success with their own downline!

Sample, Sample, Sample! 

We all love samples! Whether a company we love so graciously sends them to us along with a different product we ordered, we get them in the mail, we get them at the grocery store (if you’ve been to Costco, you definitely know what we’re talking about), we get them from our friends, or we get a seven-day free trial—you name it; we love samples!  

Samples are not only a great way to help your business, but also the customer. As a QLA, using samples in your business allows you to create product awareness, build trust with potential customers, create business relationships, increase conversions to sales, and much more! Samples open the opportunity for potential customers to ask questions, request more information, and hence increase their own interest in the product.  

A great example of something you can share as a sample is the Alpha3 Pass! With the Alpha3 Pass, you can share the AO Scan Technology program with anyone you want, wherever they are, from their own device. The Alpha3 Pack includes 6 passes that you can share with 6 different recipients. Each pass will grant users access to ALL the features offered in the AO Scan Technology program for 3 full days (72 hours)! Share an Alpha3 Pass with a friend, a coworker, or a family member and offer your help by answering any questions they may have or simply explaining the benefits that come from using the AO Scan Technology.  

Click HERE to learn more about the Alpha3 Pass! 

Communication with Directs

Have you ever heard the saying, “Communication is the lifeline of any relationship?” We can certainly confirm that saying also applies to business relationships you create with your team. Now, what if we changed that to “Communication is the lifeline of your business?” What does that mean to you?  

Communication with your team is vital for your progression as a leader, as well as for those in your direct line.  A great relationship with your directs will not happen because you simply helped them enroll to be a QLA and start their Solex business, but because you continue to be there as they learn to develop their business. When a new customer decides to become a QLA they may not know where to start, what resources they have available to them, where they can learn more, how to get involved, etc. The questions they will have may seem endless, but that is where leaders must step up and communicate.

We encourage you to stay close with your directs as you are building your team. Here are a few examples you can use to stay connected:  

  • Do a team email or group text to update your team on a weekly basis on any news or suggestions Solex had the previous week.  

  • Do regular training sessions with your team. You may ask them for questions they want you to address, or you can look at your business reports to identify areas your team might need help with. This can be done in person or online.  

  • Congratulate your team on their successes! Recognize their hard work!  

  • Go to Solex events together, learn together, and get to know each other. 

  • Watch the Weekly Update Call together.  

  • Set goals together to rank advance and create detailed plans on how to carry out that goal.  

  • Go out for coffee or lunch together! Team building is not only about working together but really learning about each other and being there for each other.  

  • Plan a regular monthly training meeting, either on video call or in person. Give team members the opportunity to present a portion of the training to encourage their confidence in themselves and to teach them how to lead.

Keep in mind that you do not need to apply all these ideas to your business strategy, and most importantly, keep in mind that your team members may have their own way of managing their business. That is absolutely okay! Learn where your business needs additional support and determine strategies that can help you strengthen those areas and apply these suggestions as you see fit. The same applies to your team. If they have their own way of managing their business and they feel confident about it, they may not need to incorporate these ideas to be successful, but every now-and-then they may just need you to be there and listen. Listening goes a long way! Listening is the key to effective communication.  

Understand the Compensation Plan

The Solex Compensation Plan is your roadmap to success! It gives you the exact requirements you need to achieve specific bonuses and ranks. Become familiar with the Compensation Plan to build a business strategy specific to you, your needs, your goals, and your vision for your team! 

Being familiar with the Compensation Plan also enables you to create small habits or plans that will ultimately lead you to achieve bigger goals. For instance, if you are attempting to reach the rank of Gold, by being familiar with the Compensation Plan you will know that you need nine direct QLAs that are active and one of them must be a Silver. When you know the exact requirements that you will need to get to the rank of Gold, you can plan accordingly throughout the month to ensure you have nine active QLAs and help one of them reach the rank of Silver. When you are aimlessly shooting high to hit any star, but you don’t know exactly which star you will hit, it makes it harder for you to achieve the specific goals you want. When you are shooting high with a specific goal in mind, it will be much easier for you to plan around that goal. Without planning, a plan itself becomes useless—Strategize, create healthy habits, learn from your sponsor, take the initiative, step out of your comfort zone—it will all be worth it. 

As you enroll new QLAs that also want to build a business and be successful, it will be essential for them to understand the bonuses they can earn and how they can achieve them. If a new QLA is not familiar with direct selling, this is where the sponsor must step up and teach.  

If you have questions about the Solex Compensation Plan, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Contact the Solex Customer Support team, contact your sponsor, join the Solex Business Builder’s Facebook Group and ask questions, ask questions to all QLAs in the community Widget in your back office. We are all here to help, we are all here for you. We love questions and want our QLAs to be informed as much as possible so that you can reach your goals and grow your Solex business!  

Click HERE to be directed to the Compensation Plan blog to learn more!

Focus on Their Needs 

Although our purpose is to educate others on how their body is performing by using the AO Scan Technology, it does not mean that it is the only service we can introduce and offer to people to improve the quality of their lives. Solex offers a variety of products that fall into different categories such as supplements, Negative Ion products, topicals, samples, etc. If a QLA is only interested in purchasing other Solex products, that is perfect! That is what suits their needs, and that is what we’re all about.  

Let QLAs be a part of your team by buying and selling the products they need and love. Remember, to be considered an active QLA, all you need is 100 personal points that come from your own Solex account. If your direct QLA is only interested in purchasing Gold and Brite every month, each of which provides 50 personal points, they qualify as active QLAs and are purchasing the products they need and love! 

Consider Your Specific Needs

We have seen numerous QLAs apply these strategies and progress in their business. We encourage you to try any or all of these suggestions that can be of help to you and your specific needs. Try them out and share your experience with us! We love hearing from our QLAs and the things they are doing in their teams to grow their business!


Rank Recognition History


How Our Customers Are Using Gold Samples!