Sharing the Solex Opportunity


Have you been looking for ways to share what you love to do?

Opportunity meetings are a fantastic way to showcase the AO Scanner and Solex business! These meetings can be held anywhere; in a hotel conference room, a restaurant with a private area, your living room...the sky is the limit. Simply, gather a group together to introduce your friends and contacts (and their friends and contacts) to Solex.

Consider using the Solex Opportunity PowerPoint to illustrate this information. Remember to add your pictures and story to make it your own, and make sure everyone who comes can try AO Scan to experience this amazing technology for themselves.


Presentation: Why Choose Solex?


Share this presentation in opportunity meetings to introduce the company and technology to others. Download the file to make edits and personalize the presentation.


Make It Your Own!

The editable file allows you to make it your own to connect with your potential clients. You will find a slide with a video and two additional slides where you can add your own content. Let’s review them to prepare you for your first opportunity to share!

The second slide in the presentation has the video embedded. To play the video, press ‘Enter’ when the slide is in presentation mode, and the video will play. In the section below, you will find different videos you can present depending on your available time and your client’s needs. The videos are shorter and extended versions of the original video are included in the presentation.


On this slide, you can include images of you and your story. This slide is for you to showcase your experience with AO Scan Technology. You may want to choose photos of you with your family, on vacation, doing the things you love, or anything that represents you and is an important part of your life.


Do you need more space to add information that would benefit your clients? We created this slide with that purpose in mind; you can find it at the end of the presentation. This slide can be edited and moved to any location to further support specific topics.

For example, you can move this slide after the ‘Products & Services; section to showcase more of your favorite Solex products.

Additionally, if needed, you can duplicate this slide as many times as you’d like to include more information on each section.


Videos Available for Presentation

The videos below are extended or shortened versions of the video embedded in the presentation. You can use these videos on their own (without the presentation) or in place of the one in the downloadable file.

This video is 8:51 minutes and is the most extended version of the ‘Choose Life. Choose Solex’ videos.


This video is the same as the video in the presentation. It is 5:05 minutes long.


We created this 90-second video, perfect for sharing on social media. It is a very condensed version of the original video.

You can share this as a reel on Instagram or Facebook! It is also very convenient when you only have 5 minutes to share a small introduction with or without the presentation.


Do you need more content for social media? Say no more! Here is another 90-second video. Although it is the same length as the previous video on the list, it contains different footage and information. However, it is also a shortened version of the original video.


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